Every day there is more evidence that points to Puerto Rico as a world-class business destination. The implementation of structural reforms, economic programs, and an all-star lineup of incentives have positioned the island as one of the most competitive jurisdictions in the world.

This is why top companies from all over the world have made the smart move and have discovered Puerto Rico’s Business Star. There are five points that make The All-Star Island an ideal location for good business.

[vc_iconbox icon=”star” iconpos=”top” title=”Meet Puerto Rico”]The implementation of structural reforms, economic programs, and an all-star lineup of incentives have positioned the island as one of the most competitive jurisdictions in the world.[/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox icon=”bank” iconpos=”top” title=”Advanced Infrastructure”]The secret to a successful country is to have everyone well connected. Through its highway systems, power grids, and state-of-the-art data channels, Puerto Rico is positioned to offer the very best.[/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox icon=”hand-o-up” iconpos=”top” title=”World Class Workforce”]Puerto Rico produces more world-class talent per square mile than any other country on earth.
This makes us the world’s most efficient factory of talent, the most valuable resource a nation can have.[/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox icon=”money” iconpos=”top” title=”Generous Tax Incentives”]Few places on earth offer a return on investment the way Puerto Rico does. With an every-growing array of services and emerging industries, part of your success will be attributable to the incentives available.[/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox icon=”globe” iconpos=”top” title=”Global Experience”]During the past sixty (60) years the island has hosted a wide range of successful industries. Puerto Rico is the most competitive economy in Latin America according to the figures of the 2013 World Economic Forum.[/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox icon=”gavel” iconpos=”top” title=”USA Legal Framework”]As a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico is subject to federal and local laws. By being part of the U.S., we share a common defense, market and currency. This relationship guarantees economic and regulatory stability.[/vc_iconbox]
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